A summer's day in der Bücherei

Wunderschöne Sommerblumen...

Englische Vorlesestunde in der Bücherei zum Thema Sommer und Schwimmen – wir treffen uns am 21.7.2016 um 15:45 wieder … bis dahin!
We spoke about the wonder of a summer's day, and all the things to discover. Follows two children on a sunny day as they run through a field of sunflowers, watch bees busy making honey and listen to crickets playing creaky tunes in the long, dry grass.
Nancy and Timmy hop out of their beds one summer morning and help pack their swimsuits and lunch. And then it's off to the seashore! In a charming rhyme, this Little Golden Book from 1951 (then titled A Day at the Beach) describes what preschoolers will find there: "You can catch little crabs-if you're quick! You can draw great big pictures right on the beach with a piece of a shell or a stick."
Oh, what fun!

Passend zum sunny day wurden wunderschöne Sonnenblumen gebastelt!
Claudia Senghaas

Eingestellt von: Claudia Senghaas

Wunderschöne Sommerblumen...
Das macht Spaß!

Gemeindebücherei Kirchardt aus Kirchardt


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